An Interactive Dashboard System for Budget Allocation Using Power BI

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Paranya Mingsamorn
Nontachai Singhuang


 This study's objectives are to develop a dashboard system for budget
allocation using Power BI and to assess the effectiveness of the
dashboard in presenting budget allocation data through Power BI. It
was a research sample adopted of 50 individual executives, planning
and budgeting officers, and concerned personnel from Suphanburi
Vocational College. Purposive sampling techniques were used in
collecting the sample. The research tools used were: 1) Dashboard
system 2) Evaluation form Data were analyzed by calculating means
and standard deviations. The results revealed that The designing of
budget allocation dashboards With the use of Power BI tool has
enhanced the efficacy of presentation and analysis of financial
information. The system combined different sources of financial data
and processed them to put complex traditional approaches into simpler
formats in modern budget management. The system enabled users to
keep real-time monitoring and experiences in analyzing budgetary
information. The overall evaluation of the dashboard system made by
all staffs, including the executives, the officers on planning and
budgeting, and other concerned personnel at Suphanburi Vocational
College, shows that they are satisfied overall (x̅ = 4.45, S.D. = 0.46).
The data also revealed that users find the system easy to use and the
information visualization attractive to categorize both at very high
rates. These findings indicate that Power BI really drives efficiency in
budget allocation and also brings transparency into the organization's
resource management process.

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How to Cite
Mingsamorn, P., & Singhuang, N. (2024). An Interactive Dashboard System for Budget Allocation Using Power BI. วารสารการจัดการเทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรมดิจิทัล, 1(2 (กรกฎาคม-ธันวาคม), 42–49. สืบค้น จาก