The purpose of the Thai Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TJNN) is to act as a platform for the promotion and publication of research works in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology at the interfaces of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Material Science, and Engineering, as well as the dissemination of new findings between researchers and the general public.

The Thai Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology editorial team is committed to uphold the best practices, maintaining high integrity in the journal's content, and preventing malpractices. Research misconduct, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest should be avoided.

Ethics for Concerned Parties in the Thai Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology comprises three groups: authors, editors, and reviewers. All are required to comply with regulations on duties as outlined below. 


Ethics of Authors

- Authors are required to verify that their manuscript is original and has not been previously published.
- Authors are required to report their research findings without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or inappropriate data manipulation.
- Authors are required to cite the works of other authors. If such works are used in the author's work, they must cite them according to the "Manuscript Preparation" reference style guide.
- Authors must double-check all figures, tables, graphs, and numerical data that appear in the manuscript and provide references or citations.
- Authors must format their manuscripts according to the "Manuscript Preparation" format guide.
- Authors must obtain approval from co-authors, if any, before submitting a manuscript.
- Authors must be aware of the significance of revising the manuscript in according to the suggestions of reviewers and the editorial team and must revise the manuscript within the specified timeframe.
- Authors must identify the funding source, if applicable.
- The corresponding author must sign and submit the copyright transfer agreement to the editor.
- Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


Ethics of Reviewers

- Reviewers are selected based on their suitable expertise in the relevant field.
- Reviewers must keep their evaluations confidential during the double-blind peer review process.
- Reviewers are prohibited from disclosing any information obtained through the review process for their own benefit without the authors' permission.
- Reviewers should declare any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to review a manuscript. If they are uncertain or have reservations about a potential conflict of interest with the manuscript, they must address this issue by informing the Editor.
- Reviewers may not use any portion of the manuscript for their own benefit without the authors' permission.
- Reviewers are required to notify the editors if they discover any duplicate, similar, or plagiarized material in the manuscript.
- Reviewers must be aware of the timeline specified by the editorial team for the review. If reviewers cannot continue serving as reviewers, they must inform the editors so that the manuscripts can be sent to alternative reviewers.


Ethics of Editors

- Editors are responsible for ensuring that submitted manuscripts are of high quality and are written in accordance with the journal’s aim and scope.
- During the reviewing process, editors should maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts from disclosing any information about authors and reviewers to unrelated parties.
- Editors must choose manuscripts with the correct methodology and presentation of results.
- If editors discover any wrongdoing or plagiarism in a manuscript, they must promptly stop the reviewing process and contact the authors for clarification.
- Editors must have no conflict of interest with authors or reviewers.


Ethics declarations for research studies involving human subjects and/or animals

 - Authors should include a statement in their manuscripts that indicates whether their research involved human subjects and/or animals, and whether they obtained the necessary ethical approval and consent.

- Authors should provide the name and reference number of the ethical committee that approved their research, and the name of the institution or organization that granted the approval.

- Authors should also state whether they followed any national or international guidelines or regulations for the conduct of their research, such as the Declaration of Helsinki for human research, or the ARRIVE guidelines for animal research.

- If the research did not involve human subjects and/or animals, authors should clearly state this in their manuscripts.


Process for Identification and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct:

The Thai Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology takes allegations of research misconduct seriously and follows a structured process for investigation and resolution:

  1. Allegations of research misconduct are thoroughly investigated by the editorial board, following COPE guidelines and related standards.
  2. Authors accused of misconduct are given the opportunity to respond to allegations and provide explanations or evidence in their defense.
  3. If misconduct is confirmed, appropriate actions are taken, which may include retraction of the publication, correction of the record, or notification of relevant institutions and funding agencies.

We are committed to promoting ethical publishing practices and maintaining the trust and credibility of our journal within the scientific community.