Ultrasonically Acid-assisted Milled Cellulose Nanocrystal Incorporated with TiO2 for UV Shielding Application

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Russameeruk Noonuruk
Chakkaphan Wattanawikkam
Weerachon Phoohinkong
Kittiya Plermjai


Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) was prepared by a unique acid-assisted ultrasonically ballmilling process. XRD results affirmed that CNC product after milling process was in cellulose Iᵦ structure, while TEM image distinctly showed cellulose nanocrystal features. CNC/TiO2 composite was prepared by conventional mixing method using distilled water as a medium. Surface interactions between CNC and TiO2 in the composite were investigated by XPS and FTIR spectra. CNC/TiO2 composite was blended in polylactic acid (PLA) matrix by casting in thin layered film using a twin-screw extruder cast machine. Moreover, UV absorption performance of CNC/TiO 2 composite in PLA film was evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy and compared with bare PLA, TiO2 particles and CNC in PLA film. UV absorption properties of CNC/TiO2/PLA composite film can significantly enhanced by the incorporation of CNC and TiO2 in PLA matrix.

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How to Cite
Noonuruk R, Wattanawikkam C, Phoohinkong W, Plermjai K. Ultrasonically Acid-assisted Milled Cellulose Nanocrystal Incorporated with TiO2 for UV Shielding Application. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2021 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];6(2):9-15. available from: https://ph05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJNN/article/view/76
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