Application of Laser-induced Thermal Emission in Imaging of Rough Surface Relief

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Kateryna Zelenska
Olga Tkach
Serge Zelensky
Olexandr Kolesnik
Toru Aoki


For visualization of the microstructure of rough surfaces, a technique based on laserinduced heating of subsurface layers and observation of accompanying thermal emission is proposed. Transient temperature fields in the subsurface layers of a rough carbon surface and its time-integrated radiant exitance were calculated. A roughness element on a surface was given as a submicrometer-sized truncated-cone-shaped hole and peak. Computer simulations showed that local radiant exitance tenfold varied along the surface. This was due to (1) limited heat distribution at the peak tops and (2) enhanced heat outflow into the subsurface layer at the foot of a roughness hill (i) as well as at the bottom of the cavity in the vicinity of its walls (ii). In experiments, variations in the local radiant exitance on a rough carbon surface under pulse laser excitation were confirmed. The obtained photo images of rough carbon surfaces under laser irradiation were revealed to be high-contrast and suitable for the estimation of surface roughness employing a common optical microscope.

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How to Cite
Zelenska K, Tkach O, Zelensky S, Kolesnik O, Aoki T. Application of Laser-induced Thermal Emission in Imaging of Rough Surface Relief. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2021 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];6(1):16-25. available from:
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