Vertically Aligned ZnO Nano-rods and its Photo-conductive Characteristics Related to the Catalytic Properties

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Suchada Worasawat
Katsuyoshi Tasaki
Yoichiro Neo
Yoshinori Hatanaka
Hidenori Mimura


Highly oriented and columnar crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nano-rods (NRs) were fabricated using two steps processes, consisting of seeding layer process by the RF magnetron sputtering and nano-rod growth process by the hydrothermal crystal growth. Samples asgrown were annealed in air at 250 and 450 ºC and characterized on the crystallinity and the photo-electrical properties. The ZnO NRs observed by FE-SEM showed a hexagonal column for the as-grown and annealed ZnO NRs samples. The XRD patterns showed wurtzite crystal structure perfectly oriented along with the c-axis (0002) direction and, by the annealing, supported to pushed up the development of ZnO NRs crystallinity. The photo-luminescence spectrum also showed an increase of band edge emission and a decrease of broad emission from crystal defect states with respect to the annealing process. The lowering of resistivity and outstanding of photo-conductivity were obtained from annealed ZnO NRs at 450ºC. Moreover, it was shown in the reaction with the environmental oxygen that the decay response of photo-excited carriers was accelerated by the assistance of oxygen molecules. These photoconductivity measurements could be leading to investigate the photo-catalytic phenomenon on the surface of ZnO NRs.

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How to Cite
Worasawat S, Tasaki K, Neo Y, Hatanaka Y, Mimura H. Vertically Aligned ZnO Nano-rods and its Photo-conductive Characteristics Related to the Catalytic Properties. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2019 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(1):1-11. available from:
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