Effects of UV- Ozone treatment on Physical and Morphological Properties of Ga/F co-doped ZnO Nanostructures on ZnO Seed Layer
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In this paper, we studied the modification surface wettability of ZnO seeding layer by UV-Ozone treatments for Ga/F co-doped ZnO (GFZO) nanostructures grown on ZnO seeding layer. The surface wettability is significant feature for growth of GFZO nanostructures by hydrothermal process. Good surface wettability can result to hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties that can be measured by water contact angle. The surface treatments of ZnO seeding layer were modified by UV-Ozone for different treatment time ranging from 0 to 20 min. The samples with treatment time of 0 and 2 min show the hydrophobicity with corresponding contact angle of 97° and 72°, respectively. The samples with longer treatment time from 4 to 20 min exhibit significant hydrophilicity with correlating contact angle of 38° and 17°, respectively. The results suggest that the smaller contact angles were obtained with longer treatment times. Moreover, the effects of UVOzone treatment on morphologies and structural of Ga/F co-doped ZnO nanostructures on ZnO seeding layer were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), respectively.
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