Photocatalytic Performance of CPC Photoreactor in Presence of Anatase/Rutile TiO 2 Mixed Phase

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Ammar Ibrahim
Sarofee Sulaiman
Chakkaphan Wattanawikkam
Wanichaya Mekprasart


Titanium dioxide mixed phase of anatase and rutile was prepared via sol-gel process with ultrasound assistance then calcined at different temperatures to obtain mixed phase TiO2 . The mixed phase TiO 2 with specific ratio was used as photocatalyst in compound parabolic collecting (CPC) photoreactor. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to investigate the phase transformation of TiO2 . Photoactivities of the prepared photocatalysts were performed to decolorize the organic dye solution by coating on solid glass spherical beads which were packed in CPC photoreactor to study the performance of photodegradation. The results indicate that the system can be practically utilized and the cleaning is required for the next use.

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How to Cite
Ibrahim A, Sulaiman S, Wattanawikkam C, Mekprasart W. Photocatalytic Performance of CPC Photoreactor in Presence of Anatase/Rutile TiO 2 Mixed Phase. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2018 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(1):23-9. available from:
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