Luminescent Behaviour of Monovalent Metals Nitrite/Nitrates Incorporated to Microcrystalline Cellulose Matrix by Sorption from Water Solutions

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Serhii G. Nedilko
Egor Reznichenko
Vasyl Sherbatskii
Maxim Nedielko


The samples of the microcellulose matrix that contain particles of inorganic oxides, NaNO2, KNO2, CsNO3 and AgNO3, were made by sorption of these inorganic from the water solutions. Morphology of the concentration sets of such composite materials was studied with use of optical and electronic scanning microscope. The spectra and intensity of photoluminescence of the samples were studied too. It was found that oxides inclusions quench the luminescence of cellulose that can be used in principles for sensing these oxides in water solutions. Manifestation of the characteristics narrow zero-phonon lines in the luminescence of composites samples that contain inclusions of the sodium nitrite, NaNO2, allowed decreasing the limit of this oxide determination down to value 3.5x10-3 g/l.

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How to Cite
Nedilko S, Reznichenko E, Sherbatskii V, Nedielko M. Luminescent Behaviour of Monovalent Metals Nitrite/Nitrates Incorporated to Microcrystalline Cellulose Matrix by Sorption from Water Solutions. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2017 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(2):31-42. available from:
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