Effect of Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Superficial Layers on the Kinetics of Laser-Induced Incandescence

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Kateryna Zelenska
Serge Zelensky
Alexandr Kopyshinsky


The effect of thermal conductivity on pulsed thermal emission, known as laser-induced incandescence (LII), of thin superficial layers of carbon samples with rough and polished surfaces was studied. LII was excited by irradiation of the carbon surfaces with nanosecond pulses of a YAG:Nd laser (1064 nm) with intensity of 3-40 MW/cm2. The results of the oscilloscope measurements of the LII pulse shape and calculation data demonstrated a significant reduction in the duration (FWHM) of the thermal emission pulse and its prolonged decay. The observed phenomenon was attributed to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the superficial layers of carbon samples.

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How to Cite
Zelenska K, Zelensky S, Kopyshinsky A. Effect of Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Superficial Layers on the Kinetics of Laser-Induced Incandescence. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2017 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(1):1-8. available from: https://ph05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJNN/article/view/40
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