Formation of Doped Nano-layers in CdTe Semiconductor Crystals by Nanosecond Pulse Laser Irradiation

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Volodymyr Gnatyuk
Sergiy Levytskyi
Oleksandr I. Vlasenko
Toru Aoki


The technological procedures of fabrication of CdTe-based diodes for room temperature X/γ-ray radiation detectors have been described and analysed. In addition to the surface processing of detector-grade Cl-compensated (111) oriented CdTe single-crystal wafers, particular attention has been drawn to the developed technique of laser-induced solid-phase doping of a nano-layer of the semiconductor. High-resistivity p-like CdTe crystals precoated with a relatively thick In film were irradiated from the In side with nanosecond laser pulses. The In film served as an n-type dopant source as well as an electrode after laser irradiation. Laser-induced doping allowed to overcome the phenomenon of dopant selfcompensation in CdTe, introduce and activate an In impurity as donors with high concentration in the near In-CdTe interface nano-region and thus to form a built-in shallow and sharp p-n junction. The mechanisms of nanosecond laser pulse action on the In/CdTe structure, defect formation and stimulated doping in the semiconductor were associated with the laser-induced generation and propagation of stress and shock waves, baro-diffusion of In atoms into the thin CdTe region and creation of a large number of donor centers InCd . The formed In/CdTe/Au diodes demonstrated high rectification current-voltage characteristics (IV) characteristics and were suitable for the fabrication of X/γ-ray radiation detectors.

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How to Cite
Gnatyuk V, Levytskyi S, Vlasenko O, Aoki T. Formation of Doped Nano-layers in CdTe Semiconductor Crystals by Nanosecond Pulse Laser Irradiation. Thai J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. [internet]. 2016 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];1(2):7-16. available from:
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