Smart Greenhouse Demonstration Set
Smart Greenhouse, Smart Agriculture, Internet of ThingsAbstract
Smart greenhouse technology has been developed to support plant growth in a controlled environment. This research project presents the design and development of a smart greenhouse demonstration system to study agriculture within smart greenhouses, which enhances agricultural development in various aspects, including: 1) increasing agricultural yields by creating an optimal environment that promotes plant growth and maximizes productivity, and 2) reducing production costs by minimizing labor requirements. The tools utilized in this research include electronic devices for displaying temperature and humidity readings, as well as smartphone applications for monitoring soil moisture levels and remotely controlling the irrigation system.
The results show that placing seed trays in the smart greenhouse enabled the system to operate efficiently as intended, with temperature and humidity data displayed on the control panel and the Blynk application. Furthermore, the satisfaction evaluation of the smart greenhouse demonstration system yielded an average score of 4.29, indicating a very high level of satisfaction.
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