Fish Dad Deaw Oven Using Hybrid Solar Dryer Combined Heat and Infrared Drying
Fish dad deaw, Hybrid dryer, Solar dryingAbstract
This research study investigates the utilization of solar thermal energy combined with infrared radiation for a drying machine, designed for continuous drying processes. The structure of the drying system is a parabolic shape measuring 2.0 meters (L) x 1.2 meters (W) x 1.0 meter (H), equipped with four medium-wave infrared lamps operating at a wavelength of 2-4 micrometers and consuming 1,000 watts of power each. The experimental procedure began with the preparation of 3,811 grams of freshly cleaned snakehead fish, which were dried at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. The drying process was compared with natural sun drying on clear days, utilizing solar thermal energy until the fish reached a moisture content of 54% (wet basis) after 5-6 hours of drying time. The results indicated that drying the snakehead fish at 50 ºC for 3 hours achieved a standard moisture content of 50.42% (wet basis). When using hot air generated solely from the solar drying machine, the thermal efficiency of the drying process was found to be 5,229.96 kJ/kgH2O evaporated, representing 66.2% efficiency over a drying period of 240 minutes. In contrast, when combining hot air from the solar collector with infrared radiation, the thermal efficiency improved to 9,090.02 kJ/kgH2Oevap accounting for 40.56% efficiency in a drying time of 180 minutes
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