Digital Transformation in the Use of Organizational Assets


  • Shuto Yasuhiro Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Uchihira Naoshi Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Digital Transformation, Knowledge Management, Lean Development


Many companies have been operating for business systems for a long period of time and have therefore accumulated a large amount of data. The data were originally accumulated on the premise that they would be used for business purposes, and they can be said to have achieved their traditional purpose. By combining these data with various internal and external data, it may become possible to create new value. For example, General Electric (GE) provides new value to its customers—such as reducing operating costs and offering just-in-time maintenance—by using data that had been collected for the purpose of jet engine maintenance and for flight route optimization. In order to utilize data as in the preceding examples, it is necessary to have knowledge about data, to realize the value provided by combining it with existing data, and to understand the digital technologies that make it possible to materialize. This research examines cases in which digital transformation has been successfully realized by combining existing data with other data, considers the characteristics of these cases and the impact of tacit knowledge on them, and explores the effective use of organizational assets in digital transformation.

Author Biographies

Shuto Yasuhiro, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Yasuhiro Shuto is currently a PhD student at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). He worked for Sony Group for 10 years, and was involved in broadcasting equipment, e-commerce, Internet video distribution business, and electronic payment business. Currently, he is a business manager at a data analysis and AI development company focusing on the marketing domain. His current research interests include digital transform

Uchihira Naoshi , Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Naoshi Uchihira is Professor of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). He received Dr. Eng. degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. (Knowledge Science) from JAIST in 1997 and 2010, respectively. He worked at the corporate R&D center of Toshiba Corporation from 1982 to 2013. His current research interests include project management and digital innovation design


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How to Cite

Yasuhiro S, Naoshi U. Digital Transformation in the Use of Organizational Assets. j.intell.inform. [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];8(Oct). Available from: