Development of Notification System for Traffic Accidents in Thailand


  • Supanit Angsirikul
  • Narawan Kaewthawee
  • Pornthip Ploensil
  • Janjuree Netsawang
  • Saranthum Phurijaruyangkun
  • Sumana Kasemsawasdi


Application, Accident Traffic


The traffic accidents are concurrent in several countries, which contribute to the mortality rate. In this work, notifications system for traffic accidents were developed by a mobile application (app). This application can help the police, fire brigades and the nearest hospitals to support the people who suffered the accident. As data collection for the creation of the software functions, a survey was carried out with users. The functions applied in the application were programmed with the Dart language and generated under the flutter tool in order to be able to distribute it on different platforms such as Play Store and AppStore. The results obtained were the most anticipated since the application fulfills its function, thus reducing deaths and improving the speed of attention to traffic accidents and thus saving a life that is in danger.


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How to Cite

Angsirikul S, Kaewthawee N, Ploensil P, Netsawang J, Phurijaruyangkun S, Kasemsawasdi S. Development of Notification System for Traffic Accidents in Thailand. j.intell.inform. [internet]. 2023 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];9(October):e002. available from: