Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation between Myanmar Sign Language and Myanmar Language


  • Swe Zin Moe
  • Thepchai Supnithi


Machine Translation, Neural Machine Translation, Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation, Myanmar sign language, Myanmar language


This paper investigate the utility of unsupervised Neural Machine translation (U-NMT) on low-resource language pairs: Myanmar sign language (MSL) and Myanmar language. Since state-of- the-art neural machine translation (NMT) require large amount of parallel sentences, which we do not have for pairs we consider. We focus primarily on incorporating two different types of monolingual data: translated Myanmar sentences of primary English and myPOS data, only into our Myanmar language side. We found that the incorporating monolingual data achieved higher performance than the baseline approach. We prepared four types of training data for U-NMT models and the results clearly show that using the myPOS corpus on incorporating the Myanmar language monolingual data achieved the highest BLEU scores when compared to other training data.


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https://github.com/ye-kyaw-thu/myPOS myPOS Corpus (Myanmar Part-of-Speech Corpus) for Myanmar

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How to Cite

Swe Zin Moe, Supnithi T. Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation between Myanmar Sign Language and Myanmar Language. j.intell.inform. [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];4(Ap). Available from: https://ph05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIIST/article/view/107