Transfer Learning Based Myanmar Sign Language Recognition for Myanmar Consonants


  • Sakchai Tangwannawit
  • Phatnawatch Amkum


Myanmar Sign Language, Myanmar Fingerspelling, Transfer Learning, Myanmar consonants


In this paper, a study on the different Transfer Learning models is made for the purpose of recognizing Myanmar Fingerspelling (Myanmar Sign Language) alphabets. This experiment shows that Transfer Learning can play a significant role for sign language recognition system and is capable of recognizing the static hand gesture images that represent the Myanmar consonants from က (ka) to အ (a). The main objective of this paper is to investigate the performance of various Transfer Learning models for Myanmar Fingerspelling recognition. We proposed 12 Transfer Learning models using TensorFlow library and the accuracy for each model is compared. Among these 12 models, VGG16, ResNet50 and MobileNet with epoch 50 yielded the highest accuracy score with 94%. Although there are some limitations in the datasets, each model provides the encouraging results and thus, it can believe that the fully generalizable recognition system based on Transfer Learning can be produced for all Myanmar Sign Language Fingerspelling characters by doing further research with more data.


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How to Cite

Tangwannawit S, Amkum P. Transfer Learning Based Myanmar Sign Language Recognition for Myanmar Consonants. j.intell.inform. [internet]. 2024 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(Ap). available from: