Myanmar SignWriting Keyboard Mapping Layout for Fingerspelling


  • Hlaing Myat Nwe
  • Ye Kyaw Thu


Myanmar SignWriting, Myanmar Fingerspelling, kKg Mapping Concept, SignWriting Text Editor


Deaf people are facing difficulties to acquire writing system of oral language because they cannot recognize sound. They could communicate through their natural language called Sign Language. We need to support the use of sign language technologies in the interface of computing systems to improve their accessibility for deaf signers. In this paper, we present a new keyboard mapping layout for Myanmar fingerspelling characters with SignWriting symbols that require less effort and significantly saved typing-time by applying kKg (ကခဂ) keyboard mapping concept for mapping SignWriting symbols. Moreover, we discuss the usability of our proposed prototype based on the user study and the evaluation results. The evaluations were made in terms of typing speed CPM (Character per Minute) and Likert scale feedbacks from participants. We believe that the outcome of this research is useful for the educational contents creation for deaf people and communication between hearing-impaired and hearing users.


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How to Cite

Hlaing Myat Nwe, Ye Kyaw Thu. Myanmar SignWriting Keyboard Mapping Layout for Fingerspelling. j.intell.inform. [internet]. 2024 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(Ap). available from: